Pierre Noisiez
︎ Information
︎ Soundcloud
︎ Twitter
︎ Instagram
︎︎︎Peles Castle
︎︎︎Diane & Romy
︎︎︎Calatrava 1
︎ Information
︎ Soundcloud
︎︎︎Peles Castle
︎︎︎Diane & Romy
︎︎︎Calatrava 1
The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)
Multi-Media Artist
Unless otherwise stated all the texts, images and recordings on this site are my own work. Except where otherwise stated, all the material on the site is copyright © to me, Pierre Noisiez
By publishing these texts, images and recordings on the Internet I am making it easy for you, should you wish, to copy and share them. I’ve no objection to you doing this, if you are doing so for non-commercial reasons. Copy and share away! But please respect my authorship and give me credit by linking back to this website. You can use the permalink associated with each individual post. Or you can thank me by name (Pierre Noisiez) and link to pierrenoisiez.studio.
If you want to use one of my texts, images or recordings to mash up in a (non-commercial) creation of your own, I would appreciate you getting in touch first. Use the contact link.
Thank you for respecting my authorship.